Sarmalink devices and portal allow you to be aware about temperature and humidity at your property regardless of your location.


New: WiFi Humanity and Temperature measuring device

New Wi-Fi temperature and humidity measuring device is now available!



  • simple to set up to monitor through or own server;
  • accurate temperature and humidity readings using SHT20 sensor.
  • multiple security features for IoT infrastructure
  • Secure connection to server using HTTPS protocol.
  • No base station needed. 
  • Arduino compatible


For more informaton and to order the device follow this link

Calibrated Thermometer has expanded product range. Now we also offer calibrated digital WiFi thermometer!

The thermometer is competitively priced has own web server for local access as well as can be easily set up for remote monitoring or data export through or your own server.

Now SarmaLink WiFi thermometers can be set up to measure also in Fahrenheit!

Now you can measure a temperature with a WiFi thermometer without a dedicated PC and can chose to measure in Celsius of Fahrenheit.

Order a WiFi thermometer or a multithermometer, place it in any place with WiFi coverage. See current measurements in the embeded web interface or follow the temperature through the SarmalLink portal.  Thermometers are available in SarmaLink shop!

Temperature and video monitoring with Sarmalink is easy and virtually free!

  • Temperature and video monitoring services (from 0.00EUR),

    • archive (quickly review temperature chart and only most important snapshots!)
    • select snapshots and create your own video
    • secure and private monitoring or an opportunity to share your cam or temperature data
    • Try now!
  • USB un Wifi devices (from only EUR 12.81).
  • Video monitoring software (free),

Connect , monitor, create!

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